
Soohee Bae Defends Master's Thesis

Congratulations to Soohee Bae for successfully defending her Master’s thesis!

Soohee Bae successfully defended her MS thesis, titled “A Structural Analysis of Colloidal Gels for Various Short-Range Attractions under Poiseuille Flow.” This project explored the relationship between colloidal gel structure and yielding behavior under pressure-driven flow, considering the effects of different particle volume fractions and different types of inter-particle attraction.

Her simulations lay the foundation for advanced predictive modeling of complex fluid flow in pipelines and capillaries, for applications such as 3D printing or chemical transport. By exploring the effect of particle volume fraction, colloid-colloid attraction strength, and colloid-wall interactions on colloidal gel structure, Soohee identified how these parameters separate the successful formation of a yield surface in a gel under Poiseuille flow from the (much less advantageous) development of a plug flow that could cause clogging.

Congratulations, Soohee! And best of luck in your post-graduate plans!